Kandilakis Library
It is with the greatest pleasure that the Federation designates its Library as The Catherine Kandilakis Library. Catherine was presented the "Songbook of the Church" - The Abbey Psalter: The Book of Psalms Used by the Trappist Monks of Genesee Abbey by Abbott John Eudes Bamberger.
She has faithfully served the Federation for over twenty-six years and many of those years as Librarian. She continues to serve on the 2005-2006 Executive Board as Past-President and is a member of the St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Songbook of the Church
is presented in commemoration of the
Catherine Kandilakis Library
July 23, 2005
29th Annual Conference Atlanta Georgia
Mary Zervos, President
Pauline Velonis, Vice President
Elia Nicholas, Secretary
John Mitchell, Treasurer
Mary Zaharis, Past President
Toula Chininis, Librarian
Artemisia Thevaos, Patriarch Athenagoras Award
Maria Nicholas, Youth Initiatives
Philip Thevaos, Scholarship 100 & Music Selection
Steve and Donna Aliapoulios, Keynotes
is presented in commemoration of the
Catherine Kandilakis Library
July 23, 2005
29th Annual Conference Atlanta Georgia
Mary Zervos, President
Pauline Velonis, Vice President
Elia Nicholas, Secretary
John Mitchell, Treasurer
Mary Zaharis, Past President
Toula Chininis, Librarian
Artemisia Thevaos, Patriarch Athenagoras Award
Maria Nicholas, Youth Initiatives
Philip Thevaos, Scholarship 100 & Music Selection
Steve and Donna Aliapoulios, Keynotes